Sunday, September 25, 2011

tweet tweet

I think that I comprehend a lot of literacy on Twitter and know what people are talking about in the world of Twitter. I know how to comprehend hash tags and know a lot of lingo and languages of the internet. The world of social media is expanding and spreading so fast that every time that there is a trend, we know it, comprehend it, and use it whether it is in social media or real life. The world of digital media has been expanding and evolving at a rapid pace, to the point where twitter gets news out even before the major news networks like CNN, Fox, and even ESPN. The thing about learning new terms in social media is that you have to ask people what it means or look it up yourself to find the answer. But now we are still in a transition period where we are learning the new system of social media while we still use old school contacts like calling someone and e-mail. But I firmly believe that we will adjust to this new system.

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