Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Digital Story

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Fox Business. “Google Launches Twitter Workaround for Egypt.” Fox Business. N.p., 1 Feb. 2011. Web. 27 Oct. 2011. .
This link explains how Google launched a special program for Egyptians to send Twitter messages through their phone that leaves a voicemail because of the loss of internet connection in the country. to do this you just dial a certain phone number, then the voicemail is translated into an audio file message which is sent on Twitter using the identifying tag #egypt. this is a great idea and new innovation that Google made for the people of Egypt seeing as the government shut down internet and text messaging in the country. even Youtube took action into combating the government by streaming live coverage of Al Jazeera's broadcasts of the events in Egypt. With the power of of Twitter, Facebook, Google, and Youtube, the country of Egypt was finally free from the evil that was President Hosni Mubarak, which got him out of office for his unjust acts.
Gross, Doug. “Google, Twitter help give voice to Egyptians.” CNN. N.p., 1 Feb. 2011. Web. 27 Oct. 2011. .
Like the last link, this source gives out more information about the use of voicemails conversion to tweets. Google, Twitter, and a program called SayNow created the tool that can convert your voice, translate that language to english, and convert it into tweets for all of us to understand. the numbers to call for translation are +16504194196 or +390662207294 or +97316199855. people can even listen to the voices of the egyptians by going to twitter.com/speak2tweet. when tweets are generated, they always have the trend #egypt, which is very efficient when you take a look at the world trends and always catches your eye and make you see what it is all about. and even though mobile phone access is very weak in Egypt due to Mubarak closing of the internet and phone towers, people can still use landlines to get their message across.
O’Dell, Jolie. “How Egyptians Used Twitter During the January Crisis.” Mashable. N.p., 1 Feb. 2011. Web. 27 Oct. 2011. .
this source is a little different, in that it uses charts to describe the location of the tweets and the number of tweets and Twitter accounts. all of this information has been generated by the social media intelligence firm Sysomos. this is all done by analyzing keywords and location data, that might show just how news and information about Egypt are being shown by social media. on the graph, it states that 14,642 Twitter users identified their locations being either Egypt, Tunisia, or Yemen, with Egypt taking the greater of the majority. these charts also explain the use of keywords and the amount of tweets being sent per week.

Ungerleider, Neal. “Massive Egyptian Protests Powered by YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Twitpic [Pics, Video, Updates].” Fast Company. N.p., 25 Jan. 2011. Web. 27 Oct. 2011. .
this link explains how these tweets are being sent and the result of the tweets. it explains and shows videos and pics being used and posted on Facebook and Twitter for the whole world to show. as a result of the tweets, Mubarak ordered the government to shut down the country's internet and phone towers to that the people cannot signal help from the outside world. with this outrageous call of action, the egyptians started to riot, and called January 25 the Day of Rage, where they stormed the streets and riot to overthrow Mubarak. a Facebook page, called Mama Qarat, posted this picture of people in the streets rioting.

Monday, December 5, 2011


1. Cadmium ore is not mined for the metal because more than enough is produced as a byproduct of the melting of other metals such as zinc, lead and copper. The main countries that produce this are Canada, USA, Australia, Mexico, Japan and Peru. 

2. There are many environmental impacts of the mining of cadmium, which is usually with zinc. It harms the soil, harming the animals dependent on plants for survival. It is also a major threat tp aquatic ecosystems. Regulations limit the enviromental affect of Cadmium. The regulations only allow a little amount of cadmium to enter the water through disposal of wastewater from households or industries. 

3.The human health concerns when used to manufacture consumer electronics are stomach pains and severe vomiting, bone fracture, reproductive failure, DNA damage, cancer development, and much more. Any animal or human who consumes cadmium is succeptible to gaining high blood pressures, liver disease and nerve or brain damage. This can lead to death. Smokers obtain cadmium in their lungs. 

4. The documented health impacts that are associated with its demanufacturing are the fumes that arise from the manufacturing. It is similar to the manufacturing, for both obtain the fumes that harms the lungs and can lead to death.

Friday, December 2, 2011


for me, i took no action into stopping ewaste because of one reason; companies are trying their best to create a perfect balance in putting toxins in their product. lets think this logically, if a company uses all different sorts of useless toxins, people would know to stay away from that company's products and take their business elsewhere. no company is going to risk that big of a gamble while people know about ewaste. not to mention that the economy is in a slump and we need to be in mind of that with the right amount of balance in products. however, i do agree that we should reuse these products and maybe send them to countries that are not as fortunate like places in africa. that is very vital as well helping other countries to have some sort of technology. so this is where i stand, i believe that companies hire experts to regulate a good balance in their products's toxic intake and that we should give our obsolete products to countries in africa for them to use.

Monday, November 28, 2011


for my digital story, i will use Vuvox to create my Storyboard. i choose Vuvox because it is very easy to use, will use a variety of pictures of crowd scenes, tweets, and info to help people understand and know what is going on. i will use the information from my bibliography as well as new information. i am still creating the presentation, but once it is done it will be great.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

this is so much better than Family Circus

Sander, Thomas. "Twitter, Facebook and YouTube’s role in Arab Spring (Middle East uprisings)." Social Capital Blog. N.p., 17 Nov. 2011. Web. 20 Nov. 2011.
Gross, Doug. “Google, Twitter help give voice to Egyptians.” CNN. N.p., 1 Feb. 2011. Web. 27 Oct. 2011.

teammates are Mitch Haft, Kyle Kratman, and Anthony Debaltzo

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Annotated Bibliography

Fox Business. “Google Launches Twitter Workaround for Egypt.” Fox Business. N.p., 1 Feb. 2011. Web. 27 Oct. 2011. .
This link explains how Google launched a special program for Egyptians to send Twitter messages through their phone that leaves a voicemail because of the loss of internet connection in the country. to do this you just dial a certain phone number, then the voicemail is translated into an audio file message which is sent on Twitter using the identifying tag #egypt. this is a great idea and new innovation that Google made for the people of Egypt seeing as the government shut down internet and text messaging in the country. even Youtube took action into combating the government by streaming live coverage of Al Jazeera's broadcasts of the events in Egypt. With the power of of Twitter, Facebook, Google, and Youtube, the country of Egypt was finally free from the evil that was President Hosni Mubarak, which got him out of office for his unjust acts.
Gross, Doug. “Google, Twitter help give voice to Egyptians.” CNN. N.p., 1 Feb. 2011. Web. 27 Oct. 2011. .
Like the last link, this source gives out more information about the use of voicemails conversion to tweets. Google, Twitter, and a program called SayNow created the tool that can convert your voice, translate that language to english, and convert it into tweets for all of us to understand. the numbers to call for translation are +16504194196 or +390662207294 or +97316199855. people can even listen to the voices of the egyptians by going to twitter.com/speak2tweet. when tweets are generated, they always have the trend #egypt, which is very efficient when you take a look at the world trends and always catches your eye and make you see what it is all about. and even though mobile phone access is very weak in Egypt due to Mubarak closing of the internet and phone towers, people can still use landlines to get their message across.
O’Dell, Jolie. “How Egyptians Used Twitter During the January Crisis.” Mashable. N.p., 1 Feb. 2011. Web. 27 Oct. 2011. .
this source is a little different, in that it uses charts to describe the location of the tweets and the number of tweets and Twitter accounts. all of this information has been generated by the social media intelligence firm Sysomos. this is all done by analyzing keywords and location data, that might show just how news and information about Egypt are being shown by social media. on the graph, it states that 14,642 Twitter users identified their locations being either Egypt, Tunisia, or Yemen, with Egypt taking the greater of the majority. these charts also explain the use of keywords and the amount of tweets being sent per week.

Ungerleider, Neal. “Massive Egyptian Protests Powered by YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Twitpic [Pics, Video, Updates].” Fast Company. N.p., 25 Jan. 2011. Web. 27 Oct. 2011. .
this link explains how these tweets are being sent and the result of the tweets. it explains and shows videos and pics being used and posted on Facebook and Twitter for the whole world to show. as a result of the tweets, Mubarak ordered the government to shut down the country's internet and phone towers to that the people cannot signal help from the outside world. with this outrageous call of action, the egyptians started to riot, and called January 25 the Day of Rage, where they stormed the streets and riot to overthrow Mubarak. a Facebook page, called Mama Qarat, posted this picture of people in the streets rioting.as a result, the rioting and social media revolution worked and got Mubarak out of office. hopefully, things will change so that Egypt can finally live in peace.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Like This

Facebook is a superorganism, being that it is a big community made up of individual minds. anyone can make things such as groups, events, and even pages to stay connected to the real world as well as using other news sources such as CNN, FOX, and MSNBC to get news from something you go on all the time. it makes people express who they are and find people with the same interests and connect with them. it almost works as if it is 6 degrees of separation, that is that everyone knows everyone in the world, kind of how the internet is so connected to multiple sources. but if everyone stopped using facebook, then facebook will collapse and stop operating just like myspace. but that will not happen, because facebook is increasing and rapidly growing as we speak, which is great for the world to have something that can inform you with a matter of  seconds while talking with your best friends.

Sunday, October 23, 2011


the only time that i had emergent behavior is last last Wednesday when we wore different t-shirts and try to create letters with everyone in all of the digital media fys classes. it was very unique on how everyone communicated the first time when we all tried to make an O,  which one of the simplest letters to make. then, when the professors said to change into another letter, some people wanted to make a U and others wanted an M or W, so everyone just walked around aimlessly. but, as i was seeing people walked, we were in place to make a lower case E, so i took charge and told people where to move and we made a lower case E. this can apply to the real world, that is if one person can step up and take control of a situation and lead something to get an objective done, then things will be better off when it comes to human relations and social justice.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Made in China

BlogPosts 7 & 8

Following are the two debate queries.  Please provide both sides of the issue for each query with references.  (1000 words).

1.) The US government should institute formal policy that bars overseas sales of systems that provide targeted Internet surveillance if such systems are used to violate human rights or freedom of speech (such as the current internet censorship in China).

To me, the topic on whether or not the US should institute formal policy that bars overseas sales of systems that provide targeted Internet surveillance if such systems are used to violate human rights or freedom of speech is ticky-tacky. On one hand this could be very helpful for it will limit the amount of censorship that the Chinese government could perform as well as giving the Chinese government less power over their citizens in a social media aspect. We are a country that is based off of liberty, freedom, and opportunity and should not let any other country tell us how to treat a human’s rights and beliefs by helping them in their communistic world. As a country based on democracy, we should not help and manufacture products to countries such as China who deprive people of basic inalienable, such as freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom to believe whatever you want to believe. This would give China a big blow seeing as we are one of their best allies and traders. Hopefully that would change and speak out to the rest of the world what is really going on in China and changing the government and lifestyle there like what happened in Egypt earlier this year.
However, if we do hold our companies to not sell to China, then we are no better than China is. Companies should sell to whoever they want no matter how much of a different society they run. No matter how you look at it, companies should sell to countries that are willing to buy so that they can sustain and stand under this bad economy, not to mention that it also helps us as a national economy. Speaking of economy, not only would we be like China if we deprive our companies of selling overseas, but we are in major debt to China for picking us up while we had our economic collapse in 2008. China was the largest single shareholder to the US government with a ridiculous 36% compared to all other supporters. If we go against China, then they can just pull the plug on us now and we would be screwed for lack of better words. We need to keep our economic status up to par and we need China’s help to much of most Americans’ distain. So it’s not like we can bit the hand that feeds us while we are in debt to them.

2.) The evolving capabilities to speak out and criticize the Chinese government using microblogs and other Internet social media will lead to more and greater freedoms for the Chinese people.

The topic on evolving capabilities to speak out and criticize the Chinese government using microblogs and other Internet social media is also a tricky one to side with. On one side this is great for people to let the world know how terrible China really is as a society. If you get everyone informed on how bad China is, then countries will second guess whether or not to help out China as well as having people not go there and making China look unattractive.. As we all know, words are a powerful thing and can change the minds of so many people. Who knows, doing this might change the government like how Twitter and Facebook essentially changed the government in Egypt.
However, seeing as this scenario involves people in China, this could create more problems than solutions for the Chinese people by creating very strict disciplinary actions for the government to issue. The government can create laws towards freedom of speech that if they break those laws then costly and dangerous penalties would be put in place to those who oppose the system. This also might make the government take away other rights and liberties to the Chinese people that are costly to them and not as big to the government. Also, seeing as we all saw how communism works back with the Russians, China will not stop in being a communistic society. The only way that the people can maybe have a chance into changing the government system is to do what the Egyptians did early this year and that is to riot, which gives up so many lives. But the Egyptians’ transition to new governments is completely different from what China wants to do. Communism is like a hungry beast that if you don’t feed it, then it will stop at nothing to satisfy itself by doing anything to get what it wants, even if it means giving up lives.

Friday, September 30, 2011


social justice is always a tough subject to touch on. but we all know what social justice is when we see it because all of us have souls and a sense of right and wrong on topics that involve social justice. Just like in "The Ones Who Left Omelas" where they left all of the pain and aggony on a young boy who had no choice in the situation just so the rest of the people can live happily. 
for my digital story proposal, i will explore how Facebook and twitter helped out the country of Egypt by using the use of social media to set them free from the dictatorship of Hosni Mubarak. facebook groups like "we are all Khaled Sadeed" and twitter updates and trends to spread the word about the injustice going on in Egypt until the government shut down internet connections in the country to hide itself from the world. people have even go as far as to say that this social media uprising started the revolution in Egypt. http://www.theatlanticwire.com/global/2011/01/the-twitter-revolution-debate-the-egyptian-test-case/21296/



Sunday, September 25, 2011

tweet tweet

I think that I comprehend a lot of literacy on Twitter and know what people are talking about in the world of Twitter. I know how to comprehend hash tags and know a lot of lingo and languages of the internet. The world of social media is expanding and spreading so fast that every time that there is a trend, we know it, comprehend it, and use it whether it is in social media or real life. The world of digital media has been expanding and evolving at a rapid pace, to the point where twitter gets news out even before the major news networks like CNN, Fox, and even ESPN. The thing about learning new terms in social media is that you have to ask people what it means or look it up yourself to find the answer. But now we are still in a transition period where we are learning the new system of social media while we still use old school contacts like calling someone and e-mail. But I firmly believe that we will adjust to this new system.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

my internet use

i use the internet a lot. i use it for social media and informal purposes so that i can keep track with what is happening in the world. in the ICT model, i would say that i have grown and developed how to operate computers and the internet as well as create short cuts to make things go faster and become more efficient. using the internet for multimedia and information purposes are replacing and taking control of things like magazines, books, newspapers, basically any thing that has to involve using paper. literacy has been involved through out all my life. i was in a transition state in my early life using old literacy skills and using the new Mosaic web browser, being released in 1993. to me, i use physical, digital, human, and social resources all together seeing that my generation was born the same time the internet was born. so we all had to have a transition to what we do to gather information. when new things arise for us to use, we take hold of it and get the concept quickly to understand how things work.

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Social justice is the respect given to someone for being a fellow human being. When people think about social justice, they instantly think equality and that we all should be equal. But that is never a good thing nor is it even possible to accomplish. If everyone was treated equal, then we instantly turn into communists and socialist. As bad as that may sound, it is true. That is the definition of Communism and Socialism. This is why we have classes and ranks among us. We need to regulate each other and help each other out by having people have more power than we do. That is why we live in this great country and that we are so great.
People should have power over others only to a certain extent and should have responsibilities for those certain rights. If no one has responsibilities for their own actions, then we all know what would happen. Chaos would enter into the equation and injustice would go out of proportion.
On the Where Races Lives website, they give great information and great points on what happened in the past back to segregation era of America. But there is only one problem about that site. That it is in the past and what’s done is done. As much as that hurts to hear, we can’t change the past. All we can look at is he past and learn from it so that we can have a better and brighter future for all of us.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

the scope of social justice

Miller brings a lot of good points about social justice and I agree with most of them. First he separates the differences between distributive justice, which is the fair distributions of benefits among the various members of the association, and social justice, which is the fair distribution of benefits to anyone. Distributive justice, as Miller said, was mainly used by clubs, organizations, Aristotle's writings, and by Christians throughout Aquinas' era. He also explains and tells that liberals and progressives embrace this idea of social justice more than socialist, which says that to even speak of justice puts you in  the realm of ideology, which i thought was interesting and agree about the liberals embracing social justice.

His list of advantages and disadvantages to social justice were interesting as well. His list of advantages range from money, commodities, transportation, child care, and even medical care; with all of these advantages and many more I agree with him that these are real advantages to social justice.

But some of his disadvantages that he lists I disagree completely. He says that military services are a disadvantage which I think is a great advantage because you need to defend yourself from people or countries that want to attack you like terrorists. And on another note you need to sometimes fight with another country to restore peace in the world. He also says that social justice has a disadvantage for taking care of the old. Basically he contradicted himself social justice means that everyone deserves the same benefits, regardless of age as well as his comment of hard degrading work for workers because social justice benefits all people.

In the end of Miller's chapter, i do agree when he says that we as a nation and as humans need to strive and find social justice to connect one another. However, as long as there are differences in the world, it will take a long time to find a common social justice among ourselves, but that doesn't mean that we can't try and mind justice. On another note, I think we need to have a social justice system while being different because cultural diversity makes the world go round as well as see that we are all different (being culturally diverse), yet the same (being all human) at the same time. That is what needs to be done so that we can accomplish our goal for the greater glory of God.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The ones who walk away from Omelas

            This short story is a very weird and abnormal story that I have ever seen before and it is completely contradictory to its real intentions. It makes no sense into letting people drink and do drugs and to not have a military to this so called utopia which by the way does not exist in this world. How can you value life as a whole and not value yourself being? That way nobody is safe and nobody is free from addiction for a society that is described as self-control. How this is a perfect society is beyond me without a government and just only religion for government and religion is like the Chinese Yin Yang symbol; even though they are completely different, both need to coexist regardless of all differences. The main thing that caught my eye is the part about the child who is alone at a house. In the text it says that the Omelas let this child suffer and die for the better of the entire community. This is a perfect example of the phrase “kill one, save a thousand”, which in any sense makes no sense and here is why. No one should be killed or suffered for the better of the community no matter how the consequences may turn out. The Omelas don’t call themselves barbaric while they are creating an inhumane act by letting the child die. This is a great parallel to the society in America today about abortion and how it is bad. While we call ourselves a “civilized” nation, we commit barbaric acts by killing unborn lives and babies who have the right to live. As Horton from Horton Hears a Who says, “A person is a person, no matter how big or small.” How can you love and nurture your child knowing that there is one who is in dire need for love and compassion? How can you celebrate life while knowing that there is someone who might not have one for that long? How can they live in a society that is thought to be so peaceful and happy while in reality it is just a mask covering the real face of the truth and horror that is depriving a child from a normal life? Which brings back to the notion of calling this place a utopia; there is no such thing as a utopia for it is impossible for such a perfect society to live in, well at least in this world. But there is a place where people are joyous, but it cannot be found in this world for it lives in another. That place is where we belong, not on this earth. We were meant to go to another world instead of the one we are living in. That is what the people who walk away from the Omela are doing. They want to find a place where they all can live in harmony where everyone is equal and no one has to suffer no longer.

Class Survey

Hi my name is Pat Gawryszewski and I am a freshman at John Carroll University. I am from Garfield Heights, Ohio 20 minutes south of Cleveland. My primary e-mail is pgawryszewski15@jcu.edu so you can reach me. People mainly call me Pat, but durring football camp this year i was dubbed the name Jesus because of my long hair and full beard, so i will respond to either one. I play football and play linebacker for the JCU football team. I am a die hard Cleveland sports fan and sports in general including the Big Four sports mainly football.

Personal information
1. Pat Gawryszewski, Garfield Heights, OH, pgawryszewski15@jcu.edu
2. Pat is fine, 
but durring football camp this year i was dubbed the name Jesus because of my long hair and full beard, so i will respond to either one. 
3. Please insert a picture of yourself in the profile of your new blog.
I play football and play linebacker for the JCU football team. I am a die hard Cleveland sports fan and sports in general including the Big Four sports mainly football.

Learning Style and more:
5. I just need to be given time for my work so that i know i have that sense of security knowing i have more time than i really do rather than stressing about a time limit.

Technology Section
6. I believe that technology is more of a tree with many branches than anything else. All things technological are important and continue growing as well as new things creating branches and growing.
7. The internet, fridge, microwave, phone, oven, TV, computer, and ipod.
8. 1. i have a laptop and other computers and work well with them 2. i look at the information for quick information 3. i have a facebook and twitter accounts, Pat Gawryszewski (http://www.facebook.com/varscat50) and CLEfan1 (https://twitter.com/#!/clefan1) respectively and i am a 10 on both of them.

About Dr. Shutkin:
9. Will there be a final? and What do we do in class?